To All Interested Parties:
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) is pleased to announce that the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Project Solicitation period for new drinking water (DWSRF) and clean water (CWSRF) projects seeking SRF financing is now open. MassDEP’s Division of Municipal Services will accept Project Evaluation Forms (PEFs) for construction projects and asset management planning for the calendar year 2024 financing cycle until 12:00 PM August 11, 2023. To apply submit a PEF online, by visiting MassDEP’s web site at:
Rolling SRF loan applications for calendar year 2023 - MassDEP is accepting applications on a rolling basis, while funding is available, for the following:
- Lead Service Lines (LSL) planning grants – Massachusetts is accepting grant applications for planning activities that assist public water suppliers (PWS) to complete LSL inventories and to develop LSL replacement programs. It is recommended that PWS apply as soon as possible as funding will be provided at a first come, first served basis. This grant program replaces the 100% Principal Forgiveness loan program, therefore eliminating the requirement to obtain local authorization to borrow. All federal fund grant recipients must comply with the Uniform Grant Guidance, including the procurement provisions, as outlined here:
- LSL replacement projects - To expedite replacements of Lead Service Lines, MassDEP is accepting loan applications from Public Water Suppliers with MassDEP approved LSL replacement programs for public and private LSL. Projects must be implemented in compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions and all SRF program requirements. Priority for financing will be given to systems with documented lead levels, particularly those exceeding the 90th percentile, and PWS serving disadvantaged communities or small systems. MassDEP will review applications monthly while funding is available.
- Planning Projects for both CWSRF and DWSRF - a PEF is not necessary to apply for planning SRF loans.
- PFAS Design costs will be financed during the 2023 financing cycle, while funding is available, and may be limited to 10% of the total estimated cost of the mitigation work. To apply, fill out the applicable loan application for the construction stage.
- Community Management Septic Loans – SRF loans are available to fund Septic Management Programs. Communities that implement a Septic Management Program that offers an interest rate reduction to homeowners based on Area Median income threshold may be eligible for 0% loans, subject to review and an affirmative vote by the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust’s Board of Trustees.
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