Mass Humanities "Expand Massachusetts Stories" Grant Avaiable - Representative Joe McGonagle

Mass Humanities "Expand Massachusetts Stories" Grant Avaiable

I am excited to share that Mass Humanities has launched the Expand Massachusetts Stories grant for 2024. These grants of up to $20,000 will benefit approximately 60 organizations across the Commonwealth.

There are three tracks of the Expand Massachusetts Stories grant:


This is a great and innovative opportunity for humanities-based and non-profit organizations, tribes, colleges, and municipal governments. These grants will go towards for projects that collect, interpret and/or share narratives about the Commonwealth, with an emphasis on the voices and experiences that have gone unrecognized, or have been excluded from public conversation. Additionally, the new Climate Change track will allow for projects that illuminate community knowledge, experiences, and values, in response to the climate crisis.

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  • Narlie Monteiro
    published this page in Events & Updates 2024-03-04 12:58:31 -0500