Covid-19 Recovery Grants - Representative Joe McGonagle

Covid-19 Recovery Grants

The COVID-19 RRR Grant will provide $5,000 grants to support volunteer programs across the Commonwealth as they continue to rebuild programming and bring back volunteers that were unable to serve during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 RRR Grants will support volunteer capacity-building initiatives for organizations and will be highlighted during National Volunteer Week 2023.

General Scope of Grant

MSA is offering COVID-19 RRR Grants to organizations that conduct a capacity-building initiative to enhance volunteer programming. Capacity-building initiatives should include activities that help the agency re-engage, re-energize, and/or recognize new and existing volunteers within their organization.

Submission Deadline

Proposals should be submitted via our online grants system by no later than 5:00pm Friday, February 10, 2023

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  • Narlie Monteiro
    published this page in Events & Updates 2023-02-06 11:57:22 -0500